Friday, January 8, 2010


A Tale of Two Lists

This is my attempt at balance, a balance between a good wife and mother, and being a good teacher, volunteer and student, is it any wonder so many of us feel overwhelmed?? This is a pretty small list for me but daunting nonetheless (why is that one word?) I am gearing up for a little come to you know who with the hubster and after looking at this list it is giving me even more ammunition. Now please don't get me wrong I am not looking for more, but when it is staring at me in the face HELLO!! Not that I have made clear my current beefs, but here is the gist of it.. Me: Grew up in single mom household, oldest child (believe me this matters), highly independent and pretty driven, if I see that it needs to be done I do it. It should also be stated that I say HURRY UP!! way too much! I am always in a hurry, promise and I hate to be late.
Him: Grew up in very stable home youngest child and pretty much only by the time he came around closest to him in 8 yrs, His mother is a saint and took very good care of him. Love her so much seriously!! He will do anything for anyone (well almost anyone) take the shirt of his back, and he forgives EVERYONE!! No matter what they do (this can drive me crazy, I can be very hateful) he is also very easily overwhelmed.
So he has recently complained to me that OUR kids do not respect him and this is somehow my fault because I treat him like a say that I was ticked would be an understatement, but I usually am more mad when he is right. Now while I am trying very hard to correct this behavior I am also going to have a little chat with him about his role in this.
MARS, VENUS sometimes they suck!! I will let you know how it goes, or maybe I won't I have never posted something like this about my hubster, Please Keep in mind I love him to death and we are not in trouble at all its just I am sure some of you have had some of the same problems. Advice Please?? Now how did this start?? oh yeah with two lists??? huh welcome to the mind of the woman!!!

1 comment:

  1. There is a great suggestion in the teachings of Joseph Smith from last years manual. Here is a link to the manual on LDS.ORG
    Scroll down to the section titled "Husbands and wives honor each other by showing love, kindness, and affection."
